The Future of Organisation Design - From Ladders to Lattices: How Organisations Are Embracing Agile Structure

For decades, most large companies followed a rigid hierarchical model. Authority flowed downwards from the CEO through managers to employees. This reflected military-style command and control rooted in the industrial revolution.

While hierarchy brings needed order, it also has downsides in today’s fast-paced markets. Rigid structures stifle agility, innovation, and collaboration. Millennials tend to resist top-down rule and desire more flexible work models. The rapid pace of technology requires more experimentation.

Forward-thinking organisations are now flattening hierarchies and moving toward more agile, networked designs. Some key shifts include:

Fluid Teams

Rather than permanent departments, cross-functional teams form and disband quickly based on business needs. Experts across disciplines come together to tackle projects and gain exposure to more parts of the business. This unlocks innovation.

Empowered Employees

Information and decision-making authority flows more freely across the organisation rather than getting bottlenecked at the top. Employees at all levels have autonomy and take ownership rather than just following orders.

Skills-Based Movement 

Progression isn’t solely determined by title or tenure. Employees gain responsibility based on mastery of skills and can move fluidly across roles rather than fixed career ladders. Managers serve as coaches.

Shared Leadership

Leadership is distributed across self-managed teams versus centralised with one all-powerful executive. Peer feedback and collective decision-making enable responsive leadership at all levels.

Networked Structure   

Organisations are structured around interconnected, self-organising networks instead of hierarchical pyramids. Cross-functional collaboration is emphasised over top-down authority.

Agile culture

The organisation fosters an open, experimental mindset comfortable with uncertainty and change versus bureaucracy. Customers and data drive decisions, not office politics. Failure is a learning opportunity, not death knell.

While hierarchy isn’t going away, leading companies recognise that agile structure fuels the speed, innovation, and talent development essential to thrive today. By empowering all employees to lead and enabling dynamic response to market demands, they gain strategic advantage.

To find out more about how your organisation can prepare for the future of talent management, grab some time with our team by clicking here.


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